Monday, April 23, 2007


Jerry Hall is looking great at 50 !

Jerry Hall has given up toy boys.The 50-year-old model has been put her off younger men for life after arecent disastrous dating experience. She is quoted by the New York Daily News newspaper as saying: "I went out with a young guy recently and we played pool. Can you imagine? He was a bit of a misspent youth. These days, I favor older men. They don't have as awful taste in music!"Jerry, the ex-wife of Sir Mick Jagger, recently said she would rather get a new husband than a face lift. She revealed: "Women should age with dignity. The idea that you have this young face and a wrinkly body? It's gross! Why try and look younger than you are? Maybe you need a new husband rather than a face lift!" The Texan beauty also feels her curvy size 12 figure makes her look younger than she really is. She said: "Being thin makes you look scrawny when you're older."

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Supermodel Jerry Hall Wants Grandkids Bad

Jerry Hall is desperate to become a grandmother.The supermodel - who has four children with ex-husband Sir Mick Jagger -is piling pressure on 23-year-old daughter Elizabeth to have a baby. She revealed in an interview with Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "The thought really excites me - I have the pram waiting in the hall. I'm ready but I'm not sure she is."I keep saying to Lizzie, 'You have one and I'll keep it.' It'll be a fantastic thing when it happens."The 50-year-old star has also revealed she is enjoying being single - as she gets to go on lots of dates. Jerry - who split with Mick in 1999 after it was revealed he had fathered a child with Brazilian beauty Luciana Morad - said: "I'm single at the moment but I'm dating several people - they're all special. I have what I describe as 'gentleman callers'."I do believe in love but I live with my four children and I don't think it would be right to get married now."If I met the right person, then maybe but at the moment I'm happy dating."

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